Attendance Policy

Please see the link below to our Attendance policy:

Attendance Policy

To be helpful we have shared below the key points and information of the policy to help summarise. This is not a replacement for the full policy, more a helpful set of key points to support our families. 

Please ask at the office if you have any questions.

Attendance Policy Key Points


We believe in creating a safe and inclusive school where children want to be and learn. Good attendance is essential if children are to take full advantage of all that the school and trust offers, so they can gain the educational and social skills necessary for life.


Parents are legally responsible for making sure their child attends school. We are required to share attendance information with the local authority and the DfE (Department for Education).


Miss Gaynor Mann in the Office is the first port of call for attendance

Mrs Kate Asworth and Mrs Kim Harper (Designated Senior Leaders for attendance) are the contacts for any further attendance questions.

Attendance Register

We track attendance daily and mark students as present, absent, or attending an approved activity.

Authorised or Unauthorised attendance: The school decides if an absence is authorised or not. Parents must tell the school why their child is absent, ideally by 8:30 AM but by 9.30am at the latest.


We expect high attendance and punctuality from everyone. Attendance is monitored and celebrated. There are different levels of attendance: Gold/Silver (high), Green (good), Amber (needs improvement), Red (serious concern).

Schools are expected to 

Have a clear school attendance policy on the school website which all staff, pupils and parents understand. 

Develop and maintain a whole school culture that promotes the benefits of good attendance. 

Accurately complete admission and attendance registers. 

Have robust daily processes to follow up absence. 

Regularly monitor data to identify patterns and trends and understand which pupils and pupil cohorts to focus on. 

Have a dedicated senior leader with overall responsibility for championing and improving attendance

Parents are expected to 

Ensure their child attends every day the school is open except when a statutory reason applies. 

Notify the school as soon as possible when their child has to be unexpectedly absent (e.g. sickness). This is really important so we can code your child’s absence correctly. If you do not provide a reason for absence the absence will be unauthorised.

Parents/Carers should therefore inform the school each day, ideally by 8.30am, if their child is bunable to attend. This can be done by using an absence reporting form which is available on all school websites. 

If a parent/carer has not contacted the school to inform of their child’s absence by 9.30am, they will be contacted asking why their child is absent. 

Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and do so in advance. 

Book any medical appointments around the school day where possible.

When is absence authorised?

For medical appointments, religious observance, exams, etc. Please note parents/carers are encouraged and requested to make all medical appointments out of school hours.

When is absence unauthorised?

When the school doesn't consider it a good reason or the absence could be taken during the holidays. For example, unnecessary absences, siblings or parents/carers being ill, shopping trips,or family holidays. Leave will not be granted for a child or parent/carer to travel abroad for medical purposes          whether the treatment is ongoing or not appointments should be made during the school holidays. 

It is also expected that if a child or parent/carer has a medical requirement and the family reside                in the UK medical treatment should be sought here.


Attendance is monitored daily, weekly, and across the school.

  • Concerns: If there are concerns, the school will work with families to figure out what's going on and how to improve it.

  • This could include meetings, attendance contracts, or even fines if necessary.

  • Support: The school offers support to students and families to overcome barriers to attendance. We work with parents and professionals to help children access their education and to support our families. We'll try to understand why your child isn't coming to school and help them get back on track.

  • Emotionally Based School Avoidance: We have a plan to help children who struggle with school due to anxiety or other emotional factors. We do ask that you 

  • Holidays: Holidays should be taken during school breaks. Term-time holidays are usually not approved.

  • Illness: If you're unsure if your child is well enough for school, bring them in and let the office know. We'll keep an eye on them.


Being on time is very important. The school day starts at 8.45am Arriving late, after the register closes at  9.15am will result in an unauthorised absence.


Children must be collected by an authorised adult- Foundation and Key Stage 1 - Over 18 Years old and  Key Stage 2 - 16 Years old.

Year 5 and 6 students can walk home alone with permission (Email the School Office).

Persistent Absence

Missing 10% or more of school is a serious concern. We'll work with families to address this.

How to Improve Attendance: Value school, avoid term-time holidays, make appointments outside school hours, praise good attendance, and establish good routines.

Child Missing Education

If we can't contact you about your child's absence within 20 days, it's considered a serious issue.

Penalty Notices

Fines may be issued for unauthorised absences, including holidays and persistent lateness.

Penalty Notices may be issued because: 

  • Your child has persistent unauthorised absences from school

  • Your child is persistently late at school after the registers have closed

  • Taking unauthorised holidays in term time

  • Unauthorised absence from alternative education provision

Penalty Notice Fines will be considered by schools when the threshold of 10 sessions (half days)                of unauthorised absence (together or separate occasions) is met within a 10 school week period – this means it can span weeks, school terms and academic years.

First offence: £160 if paid within 28 days, reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days. 

Second offence (within 3 years): £160, no reduction. 

Third or further offences (within 3 years): No more fines, legal action instead.


We celebrate good attendance and punctuality in a range of ways including assemblies, certicicates, trophy and newsletter announcements as well as improved attendance.


The school is here to support our families. Please communicate with us about any attendance concerns.